Madlener Produktionssysteme GmbH & Co. KG
Am Föhrenried 13,
Gewerbegebiet Mehlis
88255 Baindt-Schachen
Telefon +49 (0)7502 - 94400
E-Mail: info@mr-madlener.com
Web: www.mr-madlener.com
Herr Wolfgang Madlener
USt.Id.Nr.: DE146330328
Registriergericht: Ulm
HRA.Nr.: 721448
liability advice
Notice of liability
Whilst the content of the following web pages was established with great care,
we cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, integrity and topicality of these
contents.As access provider we are only responsible for our own contents on
these pages as per § 6 sec.1 German Mediendienststaatsvertrag (MDStV) and
§ 8 sec.1 German Teledienstgesetz (TDG). We are not obliged to monitor and
supervise external information supplied or stored by others than ourselves. We
are also under no obligation to research any circumstances which might indicate illegal activities. Any possible obligation to either remove or block the use of information remains unaffected here of.Any resulting liability hereof is only possible from the moment in time at which we gain knowledge of infringement. Should we gain knowledge of such infringement,we shall immediately remove the relevant content from the concerned page.
We also offer links to external websites. We do not have the possibility to influence
the contents of these linked websites and do not assume liability for these sites and
their content. In case of possible infringement please contact the direct provider of
the relevant website. When linking these pages to our own website we verify the
relevant web pages regarding possible infringement as far as possible and only link
such pages that we regard as not containing such infringement. Despite the initial
verification before linking we do not continue monitoring these websites regarding
amendment or additions; this is only possible in case of precise notification. In case
of detecting infringement, please notify us to initiate verification. Should our verifi-
cation determine infringement, we shall react immediately and remove the relevant
website link.
We establish our own articles. Insofar stating external articles, we attempt to use
works under public domain and observe third party copyrights. When using articles
under external copyright we make note of the circumstance and the author. The
site’s contents and works established by the page operator are subject to the
German copyright. Duplication, processing, distribution and any other manner of
application and exploitation require our prior written consent. If you require such
consent,please contact us prior to use.
Data protection
When handling customer information we adhere to the German Data Protection Act.
Information, which we receive during order processing, is treated confidentially.
This data is stored electronically. As far as personal data (name,address, e-mail
etc.) is requested on our web pages, and as far as the processing of the request
permits, the declaration of such is optional. We strictly dissent to any contact
data being used by third parties for the transfer of unsolicited advertisement
and information. In case of infringement, we shall promptly take legal action.
List of references
In our Internet projects we partially state „regional supplier districts/reference
districts” (“Regionale Liefer- bzw. Referenzkreise”). The place names used for this
purpose derive from the „Community Directory GV 2000" of the Federal Statistical
Office (“Gemeindeverzeichnis GV 2000” des Statistischen Bundesamtes).
Solictors Riedesser, Wachter, Haselberger - Solictor Internetrecht
Programming and Design
revier online GmbH & Co. KG
Waldseer Str. 14
88250 Weingarten
Phone: 07 51 - 35 90 69 9 - 0
GmbH & Co. KG
Am Föhrenried 13, Gewerbegebiet Mehlis
88255 Baindt-Schachen - Germany
Phone: +49 (0)7502 - 9440 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)7502 - 9440 - 11
E-Mail: info@mr-madlener.com